Losss of Identity

I’ve just had the unfortunate experience of discovering that my intended filmco name Bast Films has already been taken on Youtube 🙁

I am surprised, because I checked the domain was free before I settled on it. There is also a Dutch firm with a similar name and domain.

Life is too short to fight over such things, so I’m reverting to using my own name on Youtube as well as for this blog. At least they are both free!

Sure, I’d much rather use something amazingly witty, but I’ve searched through the usual suspects, and nothing appeals to me. The good ones are, as usual, taken.

Ok, name changed, back to making films. I’ve nearly finished editing my third short, so I’ll finally have something to show for all my efforts so far.

You, gentle reader, will also be able to watch some of my moving pictures at last, instead of just reading about vague promises 🙂

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